Equipped with fischertechnik Omniwheels, powered by four encoder motors, this chassis not only offers customizability, but also the ability to easily attach additional components. The Omniwheels enable unique locomotion, while the 3D data for brackets and connections to common developer boards make it easy to realize your vision. Included are 4 encoder motors, 4 omniwheels, steel axles and gears in front of each omniwheel for maximum flexibility.
fischertechnik Maker for Kidults – the basis for creative projects
The three fischertechnik maker construction kits form the perfect basis for sophisticated and innovative projects in the maker scene. Each kit contains a basic chassis for mobile robots, which serves as a starting point for creative overall constructions in makerspaces, FabLabs and similar facilities. In addition, 3D print templates for brackets for common controllers are provided so that they can be individually attached to the chassis.
Assembly Instructions
Resources on GitHub
CAD Files
Individual Parts List
Encoder Motor Data Files