fischertechnik Education is dedicated to supporting STEM education. They offer hands-on solutions for learners of all ages, from kindergarten and elementary, through middle & high school, right on up to college & university, and even industry. Students are able to develop a deep understanding of how devices and mechanisms work.
The 6-axis robot from fischertechnik enables learners to deal intensively with industrial robotics and to prepare practically for the requirements of the modern professional world.
Top features:
Coding of a multi-axis robot
Can be equipped with both a vacuum suction cup and a gripper
Position determination via 6 axes
Three of the six axes are controlled with encoder motors, three others with digital servos
Programming can be done either via Python or ROBO Pro Coding
The Pi-F5-HAT is a fischertechnik adapter for the Raspberry PI. The Pi-F5-HAT can be used to control DC and SERVO motors as well as digital and analogue sensors. With the programming language of your choice (Python, C, Scratch, ...), the Hat can be managed in such a way that no special libraries are required. It is possible to work simultaneously with 4 DC motors bidirectionally and 2 SERVO motors (microservo 4.8V / 6V). The number of motors that can work simultaneously depends on the power supply connected to the Pi-F5-HAT (e.g. fischertechnik power supply 9V / 2.5A). The Pi-F5-HAT and the Raspberry PI together can also be supplied with power by a 9V power supply unit or a fischertechnik battery (1800 mAh). The output voltage which supplies the DC motors corresponds approximately to the input supply voltage of the Pi-F5-HAT (9 V). the HAT also supports the operation of all fischertechnik DC motors (S motor, XS, XM, encoder motor).
Specially designed adapter to bridge the gap between the micro:bit controller and the versatile fischeretchnik modular system. The adapter board has 8 outputs and 6 inputs.
A system for detecting workpieces of different colors and sorting them via a conveyor belt into three different storage bins. Fully assembled training model for use with PLC (Programable Logic Controllers) and PLC programming software.
Furnace with pneumatic sliding door. Downstream processing station with pneumatic transfer unit including vacuum gripper, cutter with rotary table, and conveyor belt. Fully assembled training model for use with PLC (Programable Logic Controllers) and PLC programming software.